PowAir Urine and Odour

Remove pet stains and odours safely, permanently, and efficiently with PowAir’s Urine Odour eliminator. This naturally formulated pet smell neutralising spray works by attacking pet pee accidents at a molecular level, combining industrial strength beneficial bacteria with natural essential oils. The PowAir molecules will bond with any odour molecules, render them null and inert, eliminating them. Ideal for cat and dog pee odour removal.

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remove pet stains with PowAir's pet smell neutralising spray


PowAir Odour Neutralisers are extremely versatile meaning you can use them to eliminate a variety of odours in a wide range of environments.

Pet pee accidents and cat pee odour removal has never been easier with our urine odour eliminator

Long Lasting

Our natural, plant based odour eliminators are a quick and easy solution to long lasting odour protection in your home or workplace.

PowAir Odour Neutralisers are made from natural ingredients


The entire PowAir range is made up of natural, plant based active ingredients that really work to eliminate odours at their source

Use an enzymatic formula to remove sweaty gym odours

PowAir’s best-selling enzymatic formula permanently removes pet stains and eliminates foul odours directly from the source in a way that is both pet safe and kind to the environment. Whether its red wine on your new table cloth or dog urine on your carpet this pet smell neutralising spray is bound to save the day.


Our fantastic range of enzymatic sprays combine industrial strength beneficial bacteria with natural essential oils, making us stand out from our competitors that use harmful ingredients.

PowAir urine odour eliminator for cat pee odour removal

Where to use: Urine & Odour

PowAir Urine Odour eliminator is suitable for use in a variety of locations, providing you with long lasting stain and odour protection on items such as pet bedding, furniture, carpets, upholstery, and artificial grass.


You heard that right! Urine & Odour is an easy dog and cat pee odour removal solution for artificial grass as it works to prevent urine from getting trapped within the drainage system, as well as protecting against long-term odour problems.


This product is certainly a cupboard staple for pet owners old and new that are struggling with removing pet pee accidents and stains both inside and outside of their home.

How to use: Urine & Odour

1) Shake well before using.
2) Test small amount on hidden area to ensure colour fastness.
3) Remove excess odour-causing material from affected area.
4) Fully saturate both on and around the affected area for best results.
5) Let sit for 30 minutes. Blot excess liquid from affected material.

Let dry naturally. The odour and scent of PowAir will fade over time.


Please note: Depending on the strength of the odour, several applications may be required over time. Our mist diffusers are not compatible with our enzymatic products.

Direct Spray Mode

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