Prevent Smelly Shoes with PowAir!
How to Stop Smelly Shoes
To some, the whole idea of ‘smelly’ shoes may seem completely trivial. However, shoe odour and the embarrassment associated with it is a very real issue for many. The problem of course begins with our feet. Shoes are just the collateral damage. The good news is that foot odour is usually harmless and there are ways to effectively deal with subsequently fusty shoes!
Most people try to get rid of the smell by using deodorising sprays, but this only masks any offending odours. A temporary and ineffective ‘solution’, with bad odours soon reappearing is one to avoid. It’s a good idea to tackle the cause of the issue. This is generally caused by excess moisture. Areas high in moisture become a breeding ground for bacteria and in turn, this can lead to both smelly shoes and fungal infections. Luckily, PowAir can help you prevent smelly shoe issues and your questions of “how to stop smelly shoes” are no more! The same goes for removing body odours from clothes. PowAir have the perfect shoe odour spray for you to answer all of your shoe smell removal wishes
Don’t forget, the rate at which our feet sweat can vary depending on the time of year. Also, level of activity and even medical conditions can have dramatic effects. It’s about finding a solution that works best for you. Some people just generally sweat more than others! What’s normal for one person, might not necessarily be normal for you. Always see a doctor if you have any concerns.
Did you know that there are approximately 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet?

As a general rule of thumb, shoes should never be noticeably wet inside. In order to give them ample drying time, you should alternate your footwear. It may be necessary to change your socks during the day too! It’s worth carrying an extra pair if needed – cotton socks are best!
When it comes to shoe smell removal, you might have tried and tested all the home remedies. From the rind of a lemon, to bicarbonate of soda & vinegar, you’ve given them all a shot. Whilst these products can act as natural odour neutralisers, they simply cannot destroy bacterial odours. This results from biological molecules. Not to mention the mess involved!
For this type of odour, only an enzymatic based odour neutraliser will successfully eliminate bad smells. Enzymatic cleaners can be used to tackle a variety of offensive odours. Some include urine, sweat, mildew, smoke, vomit and more. The same applies for removing body odour from clothes when it comes to sports gear (including sports bags).
Don’t jump in feet first!
It’s important to choose a high-quality enzymatic cleaner. Taking into consideration the percentage of bacterial enzymes within the product is key. PowAir Penetrator has one of the highest counts compared to similar products on the market. In addition, our product is completely free of chemicals – bonus points for being animal friendly and 100% vegan!
Simply spray PowAir Penetrator directly into problematic shoes and leave to absorb. Spray daily as a natural, permanent solution to keeping those pesky odours at bay!
Available in a 464ml (Spray bottle) – Refill sizes: 922ml, 3.27ltr, 20ltr.