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How to remove smoke odours from your home

Looking to remove smoke odours from your home, including upholstery smell removal? Our odour neutraliser spray and wider range of products is ideal for you! Remove cigarette smoke with PowAir and our smoke odour eliminator products.

remove smoke odours from your home - powair

Remove Smoke Odours from your home

Everyone who lives in a smoking home or knows a smoking home knows the extent of the odour problem that smoking cigarettes creates. The smoke particles from cigarettes permeate the home, in the furniture, walls, carpets, curtains and just about any noock and cranny imaginable. If you are a smoker then this smell, like all smells you are exposed to for a long period, can become unnoticeable, however this is not the case for any guests that come and stay in the home and the odour of the cigarette smoke can be unbearable for many people.


The obvious answer you will receive when asking the question ‘How can I get rid of the smell of smoke from my home?’ is for you to stop smoking in your home. This is a no brainer but many people are not able to commit to such a change, and regardless of if you do stop smoking in the home, the smell is engrained in the house and would take a long time to naturally disappear, due to the thick tarry nature of the cigarette smoke when it cools and condenses on surfaces.

If you are not able to stop smoking in your home then there are preventative measures to reduce and eliminate the odours in your home.

smoke odour eliminator - cigarette smoke - odour neutraliser spray

Preventing Smoke Odours in your Home when Smoking


Direct Smoke Elsewhere

If you have to smoke indoors, try to incorporate a system which will force the air out of the home before it has a chance to be trapped inside an enclosed area and deposit it’s odourous molecules. Of course anyone who has tried smoking outside a hotel room window when there is a no smoking policy will know that you will not be able to get all the smoke to leave straight out the window even with the use of fans! However the more that you can get to leave the room the better – and less odour problems you will encounter.


Create a Smokers Room for the House

One option could be to dedicate one room in the house that is for smoking. This will result in a very smokey room though and not many people can afford the space to do this. However it will result in the rest of your home being relatively smoke odour free.


Please use the Ashtrays Provided!

Ashtrays are a major source of smoke odours in the home, and often they can go un-emptied in quite some time adding to the problem. One way to reduce the smell of ashtrays is to use an absorbent in the bottom of the ashtray, and this can be also be done in car ashtrays. An excellent absorbent to use that will not only take the smell out of the ashtray but also absorb some odourous particles from the air is baking soda. This is an inexpensive way of reducing the odours your ashtrays will create, however it will still not be 100% effective. Another way to reduce the smells would be to use a spin top ashtray.

Use an Odour Neutraliser

Even if you strictly follow all the advice above this will only help reduce the extent of the problem. If you smoke in your home then inevitably the cigarette smoke smell will get everywhere. The more you smoke indorrs, the harder it the upholstery smell removal process becomes.

Fortunately there are professional odour neutralisers that can completely eliminate the smell from the air.

The PowAir range is a professional odour neutraliser with products such as odour neutraliser sprays and blocks. Our products are available via both Amazon and the PowAir website. These products are not like other brands which merely mask the odourous smell. PowAir eliminates odours using its natural, essential oil formula that is safe to use around your furry friends. PowAir comes in an array of different forms and sizes to suit all odourous problems. From the small scale to large industrial scale problems, we’ve got it all. For eliminating smoke odours we recommend: PowAir SprayPowAir GelPowAir BlockPowAir Mist with PowAir Mist dispenser.


Odour neutralisation will need to be carried out though for as long as the source of the odour is present.

Your Clothing and your Breath

If you are a smoker then there is no avoiding it, your clothes and breath will reek of cigarette smoke. Luckily, upholstery smell removal has never been so easy with PowAir. Despite this, there are preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the problem. However, standing around smokers even outdoors can cause cigarette smoke to cling to your clothes. If you are willing to go outside to smoke your cigarettes then smoke the cigarettes up wind with the smoke blowing away from you. Furthermore, if you can consider the use of a smoking jacket (overcoat) this will obviously benefit you. Standing away from others can further help reduce the chances of cigarette smoke odours clinging to the upholstery of others.


Every now and agin, don’t forget to spray your smoking jacket with an odour neutraliser spray for easy upholstery smell removal. The PowAir Spray is an easy to use smoke odour eliminator that can gradually help to eliminate toxic smoking odours from your clothes and even your home!

upholstery smell removal - smoke odour eliminator - cigarette smoke - powair

Upholstery Smell Removal

If you are a non smoker then the smell of stale cigarette smoke can be very unpleasant. Some may consider it to be almost unbearable. Other problems arise when attempting to remove smoke odours from your home. These odours cling to fabrics and we are therefore left to deal with the upholstery smell removal process. Luckily, PowAir have the perfect solution to answer your upholstery smell removal wishes! By using an odour neutraliser spray (such as PowAir’s very own), smoke odour elimination has never been so easy. Simply take your odour neutraliser spray and spray it onto any upholstery that holds the smell of cigarette smoke. Regularly repeat this process to continuously keep on top of any cigarette smoke odours in your home or on your clothes.

The use of Odour Neutraliser

If there is a bad odour problem in the home this can be completely removed through the use of a professional odour neutraliser. Odour neutralisers provide instant results in your fight against smoke odours, acting as the perfect smoke odour eliminator. Odour neutraliser sprays, such as the PowAir Spray, physically bind to the odourous molecules. This eliminates the smell out of the air. Not only this but all of PowAir’s products are non toxic, pet safe and cruelty free. PowAir Spray is available in three scents: Tropical Breeze, Passion Fruit and Apple Crumble.


Be aware: Constant odour neutralisation is going to be needed until the source of the odourous molecules is removed. 

Smoke Odour Eliminators for Furniture

The tarry sticky nature of cigarette smoke is the reason for the massive problems we have in removing it from clothing, upholstery and just about anywhere else the smoke comes into contact with. The smoke particles disperse throughout the home and then, when the smoke condenses and cools, sticky tarry deposits are left throughout the home which are incredibly hard to remove. If you have moved in to a house that used to have smokers in it, you can use an odour neutraliser to remove the smell as mentioned, however you would need to use the odour neutraliser constantly as the source will still remain. If you want to remove the smoke odours from the source then it is recommended that extensive cleaning is carried out in the home, and for best results professional cleaning would be required. Due to the sticky nature of the source of the odour the deposits are very, very stubborn and using household cleaning products just won’t cut it. In order to remove these oily deposits from the surfaces you will need to hire a professional cleaning company and make sure they have a steam cleaner, which will help remove the deposits and subsequently the cigarette odour. Another problem, which was touched on earlier, is that when people are trying to sell the property, techniques are often employed to mask the smell of the odour. One such technique is to paint the walls of the house, however if the walls are not thoroughly cleaned before hand, which is often the case, the the odour particles are just going to be sealed in between the new paint and will over time start seeping through the wall and causing odour problems in the home again. If you have this problem then you will need to strip the paint down, clean the walls thoroughly and then repaint the walls to ensure that all smoke odour particles have been removed from the walls.

Removing Cigarette Smells from your Carpets

Removing cigarette odours from the carpet is not as hard as getting them out of your walls. However if you are trying to clean them yourself without a steam cleaner, it may require several attempts at shampooing the carpets before the smell will be completely removed. The PowAir Spray is also a good weapon in removing the smells from the carpet. Spraying our odour neutraliser spray directly into the carpet allows the molecules to react with the odour molecules to render them null and inert.


Alternatively, if you can afford it then the best way to address smoke odour elimination would be to call in a professional cleaner to steam clean the carpet and ensure all oily deposits have been removed. If you are on a cheap budget and cannot afford any of the above then there are home remedies that can be used to reduce the problem. Despite this, this approach at smoke odour elimination and upholstery smell removal will never be 100% effective. One method is through the use of bicarbonate of soda, a known odour absorber. Fill a container full with the baking soda, add some drops of essential oil of your chosen flavour, vanilla is a good choice, then sprinkle the bicarbonate of soda over all the carpets. Following this, simply hoover your homemade smoke odour eliminator in the morning and see the effects of your upholstery smell removal product.

upholstery smell removal - odour neutraliser spray

Cleaning your home without Using professionals

Cleaning a smokers house without the use of professionals is very hard work and you should be prepared for some back breaking labour in order to get rid of the yellow stains throughout the house.

If you aren’t able to professionally clean the house, and you can’t afford the excellent odour neutralising products there are available then you will need to get stuck in to some good old fashioned hard labour. One of your best friends in this situation is vinegar. Vinegars mildly acidic properties make it an excellent cleaner against cigarette stains and deposits, if you need to clean your walls then use a bowl of warm water with vinegar (2 parts warm water to 1 part vinegar) and add a scoop of baking soda. Now wash all your walls and ceilings with this solution, which will make it much easier for the residue to be dissolved and removed. Use a vinegar based window cleaner on your windows. If you are not completely happy after cleaning the walls and ceilings you should apply a new layer of paint.

Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell from your Car

If you have bought a used car from someone who used to smoke, the smell can be not only unpleasant but also distracting from driving. A simple upholstery smell remove solution is to use PowAir odour neutralising agents. A top seller for odour problems, including smoke odour elimination, is the PowAir Block. PowAir Block is a small, quiet workhouse that sits in your car and eliminates smells, like cigarette smoke, completely. Alternatively, spraying an odour neutraliser spray, like PowAir Spray, onto fabrics for upholstery smell removal also helps to eliminate poor odours naturally and effectively.

A more thorough method would be to clean the car completely from top to bottom to try and scrub all the oily deposits away. This can be extremely hard, with some smaller nooks and crannies being extremely difficult to access. PowAir Block is still needed to take the edge away and act as a long lasting smoke odour eliminator. If you attempt cleaning the car yourself, it is recommended to use the same bicarbonate of soda mixture that was mentioned earlier to clean the walls. Scrub all surfaces down thoroughly with this solutions, and then clean the fabrics thoroughly with fabric shampoo.


Removing smoke odours from your home & Car – Home Remedies

By far the most convenient, quick and effective way of getting rid of the smell from your car is through buying an odour neutralising product that will instantly tackle the problem. However many people cannot afford, or do not want to fork out for such a luxury. In which case there are a number of cheap home remedies that you can try, however none of these will be 100% effective and should be only used as a last resort.

Ground Coffee

For decades truck drivers have been using freshly ground coffee as a smoke odour eliminator. While the odours aren’t taken away the coffee odours can be strong enough to overpower some of the bad smells. This technique is now used to try and mask the smell of cigarette odours in peoples car,. Simply put some ground coffee in a shallow dish and leave somewhere in the car where it will not be knocked over and spilt. The coffee should take some of the edge off the cigarette smell in the car.

Charcoal Briquettes

Charcoal is an excellent odour absorber and people have been using briquettes for years to remove odours from their cars. Leave a box of briquettes in the car and keep enclosed, after 48 hours the stale cigarette smoke odour should begin to be absorbed by the briquettes and the odour should reduce.

White Vinegar

Vinegar is another fantastic household item that can remove smoke odour from your home. Pour about 1/4 litre of vinegar into a bucket or bowl and leave in the car, undisturbed for 48 hours. This should take away some of the cigarette smell from the car, but be warned, it will now smell of vinegar!


Newspapers are also thought to have odour reducing properties, just leave a pile of newspaper in the car to allow to absorb odourous molecules, you will need to change the newspaper after a while to enable continued absorption.

Air Fresheners

Unlike odour neutralisers air fresheners will not get rid of the smell from you car, however it will mask it and sometimes this will have to suffice. Try PowAir Block. A smoke odour eliminator that effectively removes odour particles from the air.